2 January 2019

Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019!

keys hanging in door lock with the fresh outdoors in the background

Happy New Year! After a record-breaking year in 2018, we’re looking forward to seeing what challenges and accomplishments 2019 will bring. Before focusing on what we want to achieve in the following year, we think it’s good practice to review the previous year and celebrate everything that we set out to achieve.

New admin system

Whilst this may not be the most exciting victory in 2018, it’s definitely one of the most helpful as it has allowed us to save costs and time when planning work and managing budgets.

Working with different registers and organisations

After a lot of hard work, our sister company, Norwich Glass Company are finally CHAS registered and have joined the Construction Online register. Due to this, both companies have attracted the attention of several credible companies based in Norfolk. Although we’ve always provided expert and specialist services. Being registered with both companies has provided us with the final boost we needed to get in front of these companies and show off what differentiates us from other local glaziers and locksmiths. As a result of this, the two businesses are working together closer than before.

Our owner, James Neill, participated in a two day and five-day site supervisor course in 2018. By choosing to take part in this course, he has been able to clarify his role in both City Locks Norwich and Norwich Glass Company, enabling him to set three days a week aside to focus on the two companies.

Company growth

Throughout 2018, City Locks Norwich has grown in the number of enquiries and leads obtained, as well as growing and expanding the warehouse.

As mentioned earlier, the new accreditations have helped immensely with getting in front of large companies. To name a few, we’ve become emergency glaziers and emergency locksmiths in Norwich for dynamic holding company Norse. This has led to Norwich Glass Company being appointed as an approved contractor for NPS Property Consultants.

In terms of the warehouse, a new six-year lease has been agreed, and a new layout as well as a kitchen has been installed.

New start-up company

Lastly, in 2018, James Neill confirmed that he would be starting up a bespoke and tailored glazing company – Goldsmith & Cooper – to target a wider geographical circumference of customer enquiries and leads. Goldsmith & Cooper is set to be launched in February 2019.

At the end of 2018, the staff at City Locks Norwich commented that they were happy and like working for the company. In 2019, our focus is to ensure staff feel valued and to invest in them by supporting their next steps within the company.

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