17 September 2020

Essential Tips for Starting Uni that No One Really Tells You

university caps being thrown into the air

Numerous young adults will be setting off to university soon, and there are a few things that people don’t think to mention, but are immeasurably useful to know as a student. So, to prepare you with all the need-to-know we have collated a list of those often forgotten tips and promise that you will at some point, be incredibly grateful for having read this blog. 

Bus Passes

First up on the list is getting a bus pass. Not just for the elderly, it’s common for students to overlook the importance of getting a bus pass and spending unnecessary money on daily trips. 

Even if you enjoy walking or plan to walk to and from campus, you’ll still make your money back on the days where you don’t allow yourself time to do this or just can’t be bothered. Imagine, you have woken up at 7:30, in time to get ready for your 9am lecture, and you open your curtains to see it absolutely pouring down – time to get the bus perhaps? This happens more often than you think, and rather than spending more in the long run on one off trips, invest in a bus pass. An added bonus is that your attendance will always be 100%! Take a look at the First Bus website to see the routes available and prices for a bus pass. 


Save taxi numbers in your phone and go one step further to save them as something memorable. We suggest you always try and do some research on the ratings of local taxi firms, and ask around. Lecturers will be happy to give you some useful numbers of reliable taxi firms, and other students are also a good point of contact for this. Once you have found a reliable, and reasonably priced taxi firm, save it in your phone as “Aa – Taxi [company name].” This way when you’ve been on a night out and your ability to focus has long gone, the number will always be at the top of your contacts list. Easy to find, and call, you’ll be back home in no time. 


Your reliable taxi has dropped you off at home, you go to your student accommodation only to find that at some point throughout the night you have misplaced your keys. This happens to the best of us, and it’s not uncommon to lose keys on a night out, or perhaps leave them behind whilst frantically finishing your pre-drinks as the taxi is waiting outside. 

When arriving at university, familiarise yourself with your surroundings and locate your local locksmith. By saving an emergency locksmith’s number ahead of the inevitable locked out scenario, you’ll save yourself from the heart dropping surge of panic. City Locks Norwich are well-experienced in helping out students who have locked themselves out, providing a 24/7 emergency service, and responding to your call quickly and professionally, you will be back in the warmth of your accommodation in no time. Save City Lock’s number to your phone today: 01603 409181 and ensure you are never locked out of your house for too long. 


We cannot express the importance of this one enough. Once you’ve woken up from your night out, you and your housemates are going to be in search of that hangover cure, and you’ll want it as fast as possible. Imagine their surprise when you announce that you already know of a great place, saving you all the time and hassle of searching for somewhere on an empty stomach whilst hungover. Do your research and have a couple of suggestions up your sleeve ready, head over to Trip Advisor to check out the best rated breakfasts in your local area.

Student Discounts

When offered the ability to sign up for a student discount, snatch that opportunity up right away so you can start making the most of your perks. Trust us when we say you’ll miss it when it’s gone. A good tip, one to remember for your final year at uni, cancel your subscriptions just before your final semester ends and then sign up again, you’ll get an extra year of student discount! 

When offered to sign up for a student discount, you will most likely think “I’ll do that later”. Set aside some time to sign up to all the discounts available to you and then you can start taking advantage of them from the get go. Student Beans and Unidays are great for providing a wide range of discounts for various retailers. Amazon and Spotify also offer some great subscription deals for students. Head over to your Student’s Union as well and they will also be able to list some good suggestions for local discounts. 

Kitchen Utensils

Whilst most will see this and skim over it as an obvious tip when preparing for university, there are certain utensils which are often forgotten about but are incredibly useful. 

First up on this list is wooden spoons, you may have your plates, pots, pans and cutlery sorted, but it’s easy to forget wooden spoons until you need to combine those delicious dishes like macaroni cheese. Also, a good tip for cutlery is to go for a cutlery set which is brightly coloured, this way no one can try and steal your cutlery without you knowing. Next, tupperware. Vital for storing meals in the freezer, most recipes serve four or two people, so you’ll always end up with some leftovers. Lastly, scales, measuring cups and spaghetti measurers, all of these will make your venture into the uni kitchen one million times easier, as who really knows the correct portion of pasta and rice or how much a cup is? 


Going to university is a huge step in your life, and it’s important to take the time to make sure you are coping with this change. Student support services are a great way of getting advice and any support you may need when adjusting to university life. Try and get to know your housemates and sign up to societies. 

Remember, every other new person is in the exact same position as you, and is probably nervous too. You’ll be surprised at how happy someone will be if you just go over and say hi in your first seminar or lecture. Your lecturers are also there for support should you need it, and will help with not only your studies, but wellbeing assistance also should you need it. A good piece of advice is, if you act confident, people will think you’re confident – the more you do this, the more confident you become. You also make it easier for others, if you’re the first to introduce yourself, then that takes the pressure off others. 

If you are struggling with university life, there is lots of support out there for you. Charities such as Mind and Samaritans offer lots of useful information and advice on wellbeing. 


Exploring the local area can prove to be hugely beneficial, not just to get an idea of where things are, but you may find some great places to take your new found friends for a fun day out. In addition to this, if you went to university and didn’t find the time to explore the local attractions, you may never get another chance to do so. 

Research the area and discover some fun activities you and your friends can do. Exploring can also lead to finding great places to study. Libraries can often become packed, particularly during exam season, and some find the quietness uncomfortable. It’s a good idea to find some local parks, coffee shops or other spaces in which to study. Parks are a great idea for when the weather is pleasant, as getting fresh air whilst studying is always ideal for your emotional and physical wellbeing. 

Should you require any locksmith services, here at City Locks Norwich we are by your side 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our friendly and professional team are always available to help, call us on 01603 409181.

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